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<transcy>Free delivery on orders above HKD$1500</transcy>
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澳洲豬婆參 (2斤約有3隻) - 裕興海產貿易有限公司 海味 代浸發 傳統 方便 送禮 即用

Australian White Teat Sea Cucumber (~3 pcs per 1200 gram)

Regular price $3,900.00 $3,500.00 Unit price per

We offer preparation service (soak and prepare it to be ready for cooking) to this product at a price of HKD$320 per 600 gram (minimum 1 pc required ). Please state the required volume of product requiring our preparation service, we will then send you an additional invoice for the service

Advice for storage: Store in a ventilated and cool place, it is suggested to seal the product and store them in a refrigerator at 0-8℃


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